Automatic renewal is turned on with each subscription purchase. If you purchased your subscription through the website or Android app, you can turn off the automatic renewal feature at any time prior to the renewal date by following these instructions:
- Click/tap the photo thumbnail, or ☰ if using the app, and then select Account Settings
- Click/tap on Manage Subscription
- Click/tap Stop Subscription, which will stop any future billing
- Select the reason for ending your subscription, select Continue, then click/tap on Stop Subscription
Once you have followed all the above steps successfully, you will receive a confirmation email from us. You will continue to have access to the paid features of the site through the remainder of your subscription time.
If you purchased your subscription via the iOS app, please click the link below to manage your subscription:
If you wish to turn the auto-renewal feature back on, please follow these instructions:
- Click/tap the photo thumbnail, or ☰ if using the app, and then select Account Settings
- Click/tap on Manage Subscription
- Click/tap on Restart Subscription which will turn the renewal feature on
Your subscription will then renew on the originally scheduled renewal date.